wisdom was in words,
riches from hearts bled,
So they
stole from the living,
Then prayed
for their dead.
Their joy
was in their sorrow,
Their love
had turned to dread,
So they
burnt the house down,
Then prayed
for their dead.
comfort was in turmoil,
They drank
from tears they shed,
So they shot
all the children,
Then prayed
for their dead.
wealth was of the blood,
That paved
the streets bright red,
So they
hacked all the youth,
Then prayed
for their dead.
Their weakness
was their strength,
strength that anger bread,
So they
raped all the women,
Then prayed
for their dead.
Alone a
child is crying,
with words unsaid,
Unable to
form the words,
To pray for
his dead.